"The test for Humanity can take many forms, so let your senior Sister decide the best form. In any event, a great deal of non-injurious pain is required. It must be something that makes the Postulant question herself at a very deep level. If she can withstand the pain and humiliation with grace and self-control, then she has passed. In any case, the ordeal is to be kept a secret by all parties involved."

April 13, 2011

The Moment That Made a King

O fateful day when God did shape a king!
Omniscient hand upon this mortal clay
Doth mold a man and fashion him for war.
O God, my heart is faithful to the call!
A Western star once hanging in the East
Now shines above a new and holy place,
That in the manger of this lowly throne
A brother savior born unto the world
To resurrect crusade against a foe
Who like our towers we will strike down low.
O day of fire, blood, and smoking earth!
What Hell is this which is so quickly forged?
What home does Satan build when by our blink
We for a moment turn to sacred duty?
O day of terror, day of wailing tears!
What follows will be blessings, boasts and cheers!
The fires will soon out, the blood be sopped
And cooling rain will soothe the scarring earth.
The twinkle of the sun in drops of rain
Will run from leaves and pool upon the ground
And birds will splash and sing familiar tunes;
And boys will laugh and skip in joyful leaps
And swing their arms and leap unto a sky
Whose bluest hues forget this day’s sad cries.
So blow the bugle call!  Our mighty arms
Are fit for ocean swim and desert fight!
The cross of Christ will lead us into war;
Our wavy flag will sway o’er every dune
And those who drown our sorrow shrieks this day
With ululating tongues and deaf’ning tune
Will martyrs be, and hear from all us soon.

O, Ruin Guard!

I bring thee news from Yorktown, mighty king.
God grant you strength to have the heart to hear
What in my heart is heaviest to bear.
The Commerce Towers are no more, my lord.

Recoup thyself, take breath, and as you may
Disclose the news that bruise this happy day.

O Grief!  O Eyes!  I would that I were blind
To spare these horrid pictures from my mind!
Forever they are burned into my eyes
That seeing you, I see those smoke-filled skies.

What, ho!  Divulge thyself, that we may know.

Please pardon; gentles, pardon.  Here’s the news:
The Commerce Towers—proud, unslouching twins—
Erect as sentry soldiers on their watch
Were by commercial jet this day struck down.
They were not felled like trees unto an axe
But crumbled top to toe in smoke and dust.
Three thousand souls by our last count are lost.
The first reports blame Arab terrorists
Who with our hijacked planes and Nippon smile
Laid low the towers kamikaze-style.
Our first responders yet are on the scene
In hopes survivors might need rescuing.

O, ruin guard!  Calamity too swift
Hath brought this glory day to infamy.

The Historie of King George II
Act II, ii

April 12, 2011

What It Feels Like To Have Lost a Dad, a Mom, a Sister, Two Sons, a Best Friend, and A Wife

Now... remind me again where I left my self-pity...?

Oh, That's Right, I Think I Left It Upstairs...

Ain't Love Grand?

Dear, gentle Anne.  Thy hand is soft and cool,
Which proverb say, is proof of warmer heart.
Thine eyes are blue.  Methinks they were but green.

My mood, dear lord, doth color both mine eye.

Then what, pray tell, doth green all signify?
And also tell what meaning is implied
When sapphire blue inside your eyes reside.

If sadness hue is blue and luck is green,
Unlucky stand I here, and desperate, too;
Yet colors are much more than single runes.
The swell incessant sea is royal blue:
Arbusto blood, the sky, cut diamonds, too.
Green luck in frogs doth happily reside,
In mellow grass, in youthful, unripe life;
So, how do you, my lord, interpret this,
The blue encircle color of mine eyes?

They are but pools I would swim naked in.

Aquatics there meet currents that compete.
Adviséd swimmers who would dally thence
Ought pull full stroke within that watery lane,
Or like Odysseus, meet Charybdis pain.

Did not that king avoid the whirlpool’s wrath,
Then settle on Calypso shore and bathe
With seven beauties every day?  Alas,
What mighty swimmer’s stamens can achieve.

Your testimony on the field today
Was evidence of that.  O me, I blush.

This blushing cheek sets roses ‘gainst your eye,
Where juxtaposed, makes bluer iris still.

The Historie of King George II
Act I, iv

April 11, 2011

My New Best Friend

See it before it's too late.  A work of genius and a future Oscar nominee for best pic.

Sing along if you know the words...







You Heard It Here First!


Paul Giamatti and Bobby Cannavale

FER SURE (and probably both)!


So says Oscar, and so say all of us!

Who Can Blame Him?


April 10, 2011

Of the Rich, By the Rich, and For the Rich

So, patience, friends; and place your faith in me.
Nay, not so much in me as history.
In Texas, did we not, like poor Macbeth,
Pluck Arthur from his throne, and stone by stone
Dissemble castles of false Camelot?
Did we not, before that, world wars win?
From out the ruin triumph of those years
Our military industry took shape:
Intelligence, defense, and energy:
The private cousins to a public king,
Triumv’rate face upon one head of state.
Are not these three the faces of Arbusto?
One beatific nod is flood of gold
From public font to our deep bank account,
Providing only that which is our due.
Vouchsafe the money world, we did, from Marx,
And Poverty’s red impulse to rebel.
Astride the earth we stand like firm Colossus:
Republic power hangs between our legs
Whilst little men shake tiny fists at us.
Avoiding footprints is impossible
When godly weight we merely mortals bear.
A project, then, for this new century:
Perpetuate Arbusto’s dynasty;
Monopolize supplies of liquid coal;
Incite hot war so our munitions sell;
Ijaz Mohammad’s head upon a plate.
A banquet table ‘fore us now is ripe,
And golden goblet gulps of honey wine
Do run in spirals down our bloody arms.
So drink up, friends, for now we’ll have our due.
And if our story must unveil a truth,
Then man by money become kings, forsooth.

The Historie of King George II
Act I, iii

PROOF That the Federal Govt Will Raise Our Debt Ceiling Even Higher

...and Imperil Our Great Nation and the World Financial System

A Letter from Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner:

April 4, 2011

The Honorable Harry Reid

Democratic Leader 

United States Senate 

Washington, DC 20510

Dear Mr. Leader:

I am writing to update you on the Treasury Department’s projections regarding when the statutory debt limit will be reached and to inform you about the limits of the available measures at our disposal to delay that date temporarily.

In our previous communications to Congress, we provided regular estimates of the likely time period in which the debt limit could be reached. We can now make that projection with more precision. The Treasury Department now projects that the debt limit will be reached no later than May 16, 2011. This is a projection based on the expected level of tax receipts, the timing of our commitments and obligations over the next several weeks, and our judgment concerning the level of cash balances we need to operate. Although these projections could change, we do not believe they are likely to change in a way that would give Congress more time in which to act. Treasury will provide an update of this projection in early May.

If the debt limit is not increased by May 16, the Treasury Department has authority to take certain extraordinary measures, described in detail in the appendix, to temporarily postpone the date that the United States would otherwise default on its obligations. These actions, which have been employed during previous debt limit impasses, would be exhausted after approximately eight weeks, meaning no headroom to borrow within the limit would be available after about July 8, 2011. At that point the Treasury would have no remaining borrowing authority, and the available cash balances would be inadequate for us to operate with a sufficient margin to meet our commitments securely....

Why does this matter?  Because our country must pay the debts it incurs.  And right now, our Federal government is spending 3 dollars for every 2 dollars it brings in.  The Federal deficit for the current fiscal year (which ends Sept 30th) will be 1.7 trillion dollars!  This is the government's own estimate.  The deficit estimate for the upcoming fiscal year is also over a trillion dollars.  The deficit is the amount above and beyond what the budget allows.  Above and beyond.  This is money the government has to borrow and YOU and I have to help pay back.

And who receives these borrowed funds?  Hmmm...  It's not you or me, is it?  Think bank bailouts.  Bailouts of banks that are "too big to fail."  Wall street barons.  Think bonuses for the employees of the big banks (they amount to billions--and YOU and I are paying for this, plus interest).

And here's the kicker.  The interest on these borrowed funds, plus interest on money we've been borrowing for years, plus our government's obligations to Social Security recipients and Medicare recipients, plus our regular expenditures (that include about half a trillion dollars a year to the military-industrial complex) will exceed federal government revenues unless we raise the debt ceiling, which is an amount set by law.

Thus the letter from Secretary Geithner.  

Republican or Democrat, Obama lover or birther, patriot or rebel, YOU and I are getting royally FUCKED in the ass by our government: a government that has become a government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich.

And by the time the U.S. dollar crashes--and because we keep borrowing trillions of dollars to pay for bailouts and military ventures it has to crash--YOU and I will be left holding the bag after the rich have bought up all the gold and silver and strong foreign currencies out there.  This is how they will survive, even profit from, the crash.

This will amount to the greatest transfer of wealth in history.  Your dollars won't be worth the paper they're printed on.

And OUR government is doing this to YOU and me.

Woo hoo!

April 9, 2011


How to prepare:

1.  Hoard silver and gold.

2.  Store canned goods and water.

3.  Learn how to live without electricity.

4.  Store plenty of ammunition and something to fire it with.

5.  Avoid irregularity by taking regular doses of Konsyl.

It's the shit!

April 7, 2011

American Monarch

Then let the word go forth from out this place:
We sail from here upon the morning tide
To venge the suff’ring of our countrymen,
Who by Ijaz Mohammad’s guilty hand
Are made too soon to sleep in stony beds.
We did not tempt nor urge nor bid nor cause
This enemy to swing and strike so low;
This is no recompense against a thing
We did intending to do harm.  O no.
America is to the world a friend.
We practice Christian kindness to a fault,
But turning cheeks invite a fresh assault.
We take this day to mourn, to weep and pray:           
Convert the laurel wreath to lily bloom,
The chariot to hearse, the cheer to lamentation.
Tomorrow we awake to sunny sky,
Will gather at the docks to kiss our wives,
Then sharpen swords upon the flinty sea.

The Historie of King George II
Act II, ii

April 3, 2011

Not To Put Too Fine a Point On It...

I don't think this means your dreams can't come true.  It's just that you have no control over when, or how, or for how long, etc.

As long as you leave it up to the motherfuckers who own the production companies and the means of distribution in America and the world, your dreams will have to come true on their terms.

There is only one hedge against this.  And that is creating product people want that you control.  It might not make you rich, but in the end, you get to decide the manner in which your dreams become reality.

Don't believe me?  Then take it from Andy: