"The test for Humanity can take many forms, so let your senior Sister decide the best form. In any event, a great deal of non-injurious pain is required. It must be something that makes the Postulant question herself at a very deep level. If she can withstand the pain and humiliation with grace and self-control, then she has passed. In any case, the ordeal is to be kept a secret by all parties involved."

April 3, 2011

Not To Put Too Fine a Point On It...

I don't think this means your dreams can't come true.  It's just that you have no control over when, or how, or for how long, etc.

As long as you leave it up to the motherfuckers who own the production companies and the means of distribution in America and the world, your dreams will have to come true on their terms.

There is only one hedge against this.  And that is creating product people want that you control.  It might not make you rich, but in the end, you get to decide the manner in which your dreams become reality.

Don't believe me?  Then take it from Andy:

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