"The test for Humanity can take many forms, so let your senior Sister decide the best form. In any event, a great deal of non-injurious pain is required. It must be something that makes the Postulant question herself at a very deep level. If she can withstand the pain and humiliation with grace and self-control, then she has passed. In any case, the ordeal is to be kept a secret by all parties involved."

April 13, 2011

O, Ruin Guard!

I bring thee news from Yorktown, mighty king.
God grant you strength to have the heart to hear
What in my heart is heaviest to bear.
The Commerce Towers are no more, my lord.

Recoup thyself, take breath, and as you may
Disclose the news that bruise this happy day.

O Grief!  O Eyes!  I would that I were blind
To spare these horrid pictures from my mind!
Forever they are burned into my eyes
That seeing you, I see those smoke-filled skies.

What, ho!  Divulge thyself, that we may know.

Please pardon; gentles, pardon.  Here’s the news:
The Commerce Towers—proud, unslouching twins—
Erect as sentry soldiers on their watch
Were by commercial jet this day struck down.
They were not felled like trees unto an axe
But crumbled top to toe in smoke and dust.
Three thousand souls by our last count are lost.
The first reports blame Arab terrorists
Who with our hijacked planes and Nippon smile
Laid low the towers kamikaze-style.
Our first responders yet are on the scene
In hopes survivors might need rescuing.

O, ruin guard!  Calamity too swift
Hath brought this glory day to infamy.

The Historie of King George II
Act II, ii

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