"The test for Humanity can take many forms, so let your senior Sister decide the best form. In any event, a great deal of non-injurious pain is required. It must be something that makes the Postulant question herself at a very deep level. If she can withstand the pain and humiliation with grace and self-control, then she has passed. In any case, the ordeal is to be kept a secret by all parties involved."

February 23, 2011

It's really impressive and inspiring how fast you've picked up the way of the Blogosphere, Father. I have enjoyed each post tremendously and am delighted to think of what our powers combined will concoct in the near future.

Until then I should keep you abreast of things I think might strike your fancy. This is the trailer for Apollo 18.

See why I thought you might like it? Not only does it remind me of Paranormal Activity, of course (which I never would have watched without your recommendation), but it great to see movies RE-realizing the genius of a location thriller. That is something that you taught me long ago. And it still sticks with me when I analyze a film or think of ideas myself. I still think of how well this idea works in films, a la:


I think that this is the best device to really draw an audience in. Here's hoping Apollo 18 shows us a new and improved version of what works so well.

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