"The test for Humanity can take many forms, so let your senior Sister decide the best form. In any event, a great deal of non-injurious pain is required. It must be something that makes the Postulant question herself at a very deep level. If she can withstand the pain and humiliation with grace and self-control, then she has passed. In any case, the ordeal is to be kept a secret by all parties involved."

February 20, 2011

My sweet son...

...I love you.  

And I know you are hurting today.  

So let me share a few things about you that I do know:

1.  You are a prize.  Your heart is pure, if broken.  You take after your momma who loves you.  The maternal genes you've inherited allow you to see the good in life and in people, and they clearly dominate the paternal genes that would otherwise cause you to obsess on the foibles, idiocies, and sad inevitabilities in life and in people that occupy so much of my own attention.  I repeat, you are a prize.  You have put yourself on a particular track to be a particular person and you are making the sacrifices needed to make your dreams come true.  I believe in you and always will.  And so does your mama who loves you.

2.  You are an optimist.  When you look forward you see sunshine; when I look forward I see mostly clouds.  I'm glad you see things your way: your life will become as you imagine it will be only through hard work and unrelenting devotion to your vision of yourself.  Become that person in every aspect. You are the superhero you dream of becoming.

3.  You are a stud.  Make that fucking stud.  You rule the kingdom and the females await.  I know this is too soon: but dude, let's be honest.  It's mow time, bro.

4.  You are a dear son and friend.  And I am honored to know you.  Loving you is a kind of privilege, in the sense that I still don't know why the gods entrusted you to me and your sweet mama, but you are ours and we treasure that trust.  And we will be faithful to you and to that trust to the very end of our lives.

5.  You are fucking hilarious.  For God's sake, don't forget this.  In the end, we can only laugh at pain.  Nothing else makes sense.  Irony is the only truth, because the gods fuck with us gratuitously and mercilessly.  We humans--we are the clowns of the gods.  So give in... and dance!


Oh yessssssss...

 Just DO it, just DO it, just DO it!

You KNOW it, you KNOW it, you-KNOW-you-fucking-KNOW-it.

Mardi Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa--


--Your Father Who Loves You

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